Craig Abrams Witness Summary Day 6 of the Emergencies Act Public Inquiry

1 year ago

Witness Summary Craig Abrams, OPP, Day 6 of Emergencies Act Public Inquiry. Key testimony from Day 6 of Public Hearings, October 20, 2022 Public Inquiry for the Invocation of the Emergencies Act.

Craig Abrams OPP testifies how OPS planned to allow Convoy vehicles and where they were to park in downtown Ottawa. They did not know how many vehicles were arriving, but knew that there could be a large number and that they may stay for “multiple days”.

OPS allowed Freedom Convoy protestors into downtown Ottawa, but Craig Abrams OPP, testifies how OPS did not have a “Plan B” or “contingency plan” if the protestors stayed longer than a couple of days.

Craig Abrams OPP testifies that he did not agree with Chief Sloly that there may not a policing solution on developing an exit strategy because he did not see that “all of the tools have been used” and that he has seen “nothing but success through our PLT (Provincial Team Liaison) team” and negotiation.

Craig Abrams OPP testifies on Chief Sloly’s plan to arrest protestors with gas cans “I did not agree” “he is describing snatch and grabs off the street” “I am not directing my OPP, until I am certain the crown attorney supports it” “I don’t want them involved in illegal arrests”.

Craig Abrams OPP on the Convoy to Ottawa: “Overall we had no assaults, no criminality, I was not aware of any charges being laid, they said what they would do, they kept to one lane, they entered the city of Ottawa in an orderly fashion, they didn’t damage any highways.

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