This is My Body, given for you… Do this in Remembrance of Me ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus Christ

1 year ago

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This is My Body, given for you… Do this in Remembrance of Me

September 19, 2016 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless and keep you, Heartdwellers, especially in His peace, with His supernatural strength. Jesus began speaking to me about a communion service celebrated with great intention, sincerely and focusing on the elements of the service, especially His death and His shed blood and resurrection. He began…

(Jesus) “Do this in remembrance of Me. I took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying… This is My body, given for you; do this in remembrance of Me. (Luke 22:19)

“And Paul also repeated this… I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you… The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, He broke it and said… “This is My Body, which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” (1 Corinthians 11:23-24)

“If only you knew the power of the service worthily celebrated and the gift you’ve been given in it. Watch chains burst asunder, Clare. Watch Me turn tragedy into good, watch Me move through this service. Copious, copious graces flow out from a sincere communion service. You just don’t know the power you hold in your very hands.

“But the enemy surely does and he makes light of it, to downplay how powerfully it works against him. It looks so lackluster and hidden – yet it’s so powerful. However the powers of darkness know what it represents and they make a mockery of it in their own ceremony.

“There is no force on Earth that can trump communion said with earnest faith and deep remembrance of My Passion. What I have given you, Clare, is far more powerful than even the words that come from your mouth. The intension of your heart, covered with the blood of sorrows from My death and resurrection, contains all that is necessary to defeat evil.

“It is so simple, so uncomplicated, yet so very prodigiously powerful. You, My love, must get rid of this ambivalence about its efficacy.

“There’s an agony that goes on in Heaven when a communion service is said with great reverence and focus on My Passion. It is like a shiver that passes through everyone as it goes to the throne, touching each like a minuscule bold of lightening. It’s a current of remembrance and graces come swiftly pouring out from the Throne Room. Like a shock wave, flipping a switch that opens the doors of grace.

“Clare, what I did on the Cross will never, ever be forgotten, because God Himself allowed man to crucify Him on that day. And spoke the words, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” This indeed was the finished work of the Cross. To recall My suffering on that day sends this shiver through all in Heaven. Never underestimate the power of that shiver, for all in Heaven understand what it was about, even more than you who are still on Earth. It penetrates the gates of grace and they open to shower graces upon those needy and crying out.

“Remember this, Daughter. Pray these prayers with great intention and reverence, and behold the transformations that will come as a result. Not only within you, but also with those you lift up in the service. Go now and elevate this practice to the place of greatest dignity and power. Surely, I will bless all who celebrate it worthily and harken to their petitions.”

Here follows an Example of a simple Communion Service by Sister Clare

Dear Family… The Lord has promised that if we confess with our mouth and believe sincerely with our heart, He will indeed visit us in a very special way through a simple home-spun communion service.

There are seven very short parts to this service… 1-Worship, 2-Thanksgiving, 3-Confession of our Sins, 4-Reading a Word from Scripture, 5-The Blessing, 6-Receiving Communion, 7-Resting in the Lord

1. Begin with Worship… Have a worship song or two before your prayers if you have time.

2. Thanksgiving… Lord, I thank and praise You for all You have done for me, all You have given and that You will never forsake me.

3. Confession… I confess I have sinned against You and my brother. (list your sins) Pause. Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; forgive me and, cleanse me from my sins. Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me, and grant a willing spirit, to sustain me.

4. A Word From Scripture… Your Word is a light unto my feet, guide me in Your ways. Open randomly to a rhema reading, meditate on that, repeat it out loud. Remember to confess this word all day.

5. The Blessing… On the night before You died, You had supper with Your apostles, You took bread from the table, lifted it up to the Father and gave thanks and praise. You broke the bread (break the bread) and gave it to Your apostles saying… “Take this, all of you , and eat it: This is My Body which will be given up for you.” (set it aside) Then, You took the cup, lifted it up to the Father and gave thanks, saying… Take this all of you, and drink from it, this is the cup of My Blood, the Blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of Me. (set the cup aside)

6. Receiving Communion… Before you receive communion recite this prayer… “Lord I am not worthy that You should come under my roof, but only say the word and I will be healed. May Your Body and Blood give me the strength to live for You until You Come for us in glory.”

7. Resting in the Lord… Spend time with Jesus after communion, dwell with Him as He strengthens you with Himself.

Here follows an Example of a private Communion by Brother Ezekiel

Knowing that we are the “Body” of Christ, and that a Body cannot be dissected under normal circumstances, I simply sit down at my little prayer altar, with my Bible, a small piece of Bread, and either grape juice/or wine. I usually try to quiet myself before the Lord, asking Him if there is anything particular on His Heart.

I then prayerfully ask the Holy Spirit to guide me, and I open My Bible. I do this three different times, Once to an old testament reading, then to a Psalm, and lastly to a gospel Reading. (by reading, I mean – which ever page the Bible opens to, I will stay with those two pages in front of me. Something should ‘stand out’ to you, or get your attention.

Just read these readings as if Jesus or the Father were literally sitting right there in front of you – as if you are reading a personal letter from Him to you in that moment, as if He is speaking directly to you. For Example: Psalm 23 – “My Precious Child, I AM your Shepherd, You will lack for nothing…(and so on).

The key is, make it personally for you, paraphrasing it so that He is speaking directly to you. This way of reading Scripture will truly bring you into a whole new personal experience of really communicating with Him!

After I have spent some time with the Scriptures, I try to call to remembrance any sins I may have committed, and sincerely repent of anything that I have done, thought, or spoken – or neglecting to be kind or loving to someone.

Naturally you would ask His forgiveness. You might then pray for any special needs, or intercede for others at this time.

After that, offer the Bread and the Wine to our Lord, asking Him to Bless it, and receive His Most Precious Body and Blood, for yourself, and for all others that you can think of, remembering that you are joining with the Body of Christians all over the world in these moments.

I would just say, be natural with Him. Also, Paul says that we are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses cheering us on in the race. Therefore, in these special moments, we are truly joining with the WHOLE Body of Christ undivided, remembering Jesus’ prayer “…that they may be one.”

I know that very powerful graces come down, and are sent out, in and through us, whenever we ‘eat this bread, and drink this cup’. I don’t know of a stronger, and more intimately personal time of True Prayer and Fellowship with the Lord, and the Whole Body!

Hope this helps you…
In His Love, Ezekiel

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