The Nuclear

1 year ago

President Joe Biden has said the world has never been this close to nuclear Armageddon since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Vladimir Putin backed down after making serious threats. At the end of September, he announced in a televised speech that he would "use all available means to protect Russia and our people."

Later, in a speech on October 27, he said, "It makes no political or military sense to [use nuclear weapons]," but the New York Times reported last week that Russia's military leaders It recently reported that it held a meeting without Putin to discuss when and how. How tactical nuclear weapons are used in Ukraine.'s Scott Horton, editor of the new book Hotter Than The Sun:
Time To Abolish Nuclear Weapons, says that the potential for the Ukraine conflict to escalate into an apocalyptic war should be taken seriously. increase. Putin and some of his top military leaders have repeatedly threatened nuclear strikes since invading Ukraine in February, he notes. Davis fears that "Biden's stated policy is to help Ukraine no matter how long it takes to reclaim its territory." There is none.

Lieutenant Colonel Davis also said that the Russian army is very capable despite its shortcomings, and that reinforcements will come in December to turn the war in Moscow's favor. First, saying that if Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky succeeds in expelling Russia from all of Ukraine, including Crimea, Russia will be more likely to use nuclear weapons to allow Putin to stay in power. there is The U.S. should provide enough defensive weapons to prevent Russia from gaining complete control over the country, and then open "backroom negotiations and diplomatic channels with both sides" to end the war as soon as possible, he said. says.
Horton may have reached a diplomatic settlement as early as April, citing an article co-authored by Fiona Hill, former senior director for European and Russian affairs at the National Security Council. It has said. Officials said … In April 2022, Russian and Ukrainian negotiators appeared to have tentatively agreed on the outline of a negotiated interim settlement.” Avoiding talks with Russia.

Late Sept. , Putin announced the annexation of four Ukrainian territories bordering Russia, arguing that the inhabitants of the occupied territories would forever be Russian citizens and that any attack on the annexed territories would be considered an aggression against Russia itself. “It would be virtually impossible to force [Putin] to withdraw from these annexations,” argues Horton.

"No one in Ukraine, no one in the West, wants him to hold an inch of Russia's conquered territory." Colonel Davis. But achieving that goal is not a realistic option. “The battle will almost certainly have to escalate to nuclear war in order to reach that goal. Yale University historian Timothy Snyder writes that negotiations with Putin "only make future nuclear war much more likely...we want".

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