Zexi Li and Victoria De La Ronde Witness Summary Day 2 of Emergencies Act Public Inquiry

2 years ago

Witness Summary Zexi Li and Victoria De La Ronde Day 2 of Emergencies Act Public Inquiry. Key testimony from Day 2 of Public Hearings, October 14, 2022 Public Inquiry for the Invocation of the Emergencies Act.

Victoria De La Ronde, Ottawa resident says her hearing is damaged from the trucks and she now listens to music louder, she experienced “Phantom Honking” long after the Freedom Convoy left. She testifies she “still jumps a lot” when she hears a loud horn.

Victoria De La Ronde Ottawa resident and a former federal government employee who wears a mask outside suggests that she caught Covid from protestors. I'm sure that Ontario just opening up had nothing to do with it, or that she didn't get it from her friend.

Victoria De La Ronde says she experiences "phantom horns" and "phantom smells" after the truckers left Ottawa, but "they are not there" during the Emergencies Act Public Inquiry.

Zexi Li suffered from honking and protestors telling her to smile. "I was being told to smile more under my mask" I think one of worse things was whenever I choose not to engage", "they would blast their horns with a smile on their faces and would cheer".

Zexi Li says that the truckers were publicly urinating and defecating in the snow near her building, but said that she never actually saw anyone do this. Li says she felt like she was in the movie the Purge, but said she didn't see any acts of violence.

Zexi Li says that the truckers were publicly urinating and defecating in the snow near her building, but said that she never actually saw anyone do this. Li says she felt like she was in the movie the Purge, but said she didn't see any acts of violence.

Zexi Li says she didn't feel safe walking outside, but could explain why it was unsafe. She said she would just move quickly, but if you did take your time they (protestors) would come up to you to try and convince you that they were doing the right thing.

Zexi Li: "Egg throwing started to occur from my building." Her neighbors were throwing eggs down at the trucks. Her neighbors "had their little retaliation in frustration, because what else could they do." The only violence Zexi Li described came from her neighbors.

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