Rebuttal to BBC Chinese Video: Calling Out Cong. Judy Chu who devotedly stands w CCP - Election Day

2 years ago

Originally published on Nov 8, 2022, Tuesday, Mid-term Election

Rebuttal to BBC Chinese Video: Calling Out Cong. Judy Chu who devotedly stands w CCP - Election Day “美國中期選舉:華人擔心「反中」政綱加重「仇華」情緒 (USA Mid-Term Election: Chinese's Worry ‘Anti-China’ platforms to stir 'Anti-Chinese' sentiments)”

Set the Record Straight on Asian-hate Issue in the USA.

Vote out Cong. Judy Chu, because she approves of CCP's oppression attempts toward Taiwan ROC. So does CA Asm. Mike Fong.

#BBC #BBCChinese #JudyChu #MikeFong #Election2022 #CCP #Taiwan #AsianHate #WesHallman #BurtonBrink #BurtonBrinkCA #統促會 #統一促進會 #趙美心 #方樹強 #统促会 #统一促进会 #赵美心 #方树强 #韋斯霍爾曼 #布靈克博騰 #DeniseHo #何韻詩 #周文偉 #IrvineChurch

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