How did you lose your virginity? and at what age? #virginity #virgin

1 year ago

how did you lose your virginity? and at what age?
21, a girl I had never met before invited herself into my bed and coaxed me into it. Which was fine. We had an almost purely sexual relationship for about a month, until I found out she was married. I think she was looking for a replacement husband, when she realized I wasn't the one, she ghosted.
I was 17. With a girl I was dating for almost 6 months. Tried to make it "classy", got a hotel room and everything.
21 to a crack addict in Brooklyn, 1988.
With sex, at 37.
19 to my dream girl. Best way it could have gone.
23, to a girl I had been seeing for a few weeks at the time
13 years old, in a tent in this 17 year old girls backyard. Totally lied and said I was 15 and wasn't a virgin. Kinda messed up now that I think about it.
I once went 28 years without having sex. And then again for 7 more.
16 to my now husband. It was good except for the condom coming off and having the get the morning after pill. At least I’ll never forget.
I was 20, lost it to my first wife. Damn sure wish I could unring that bell.
I was 22, I found that one special lady.
I didn't lose it. I know exactly where I left it.
Very uncomfortably in a Honda civic coupe at age 18. I’m 6’1” and the girl was 5”10….it was VERY difficult
Im 22 and still haven’t lost it!
Lost mine to my boyfriend of two months at 16, four years later we’re still together
I don’t lose my virginity, I win my virginity. I currently am undefeated and have 6 of them
31 to my best friend. Flew out to his state specifically so he could take my virginity. He made it a lovely experience for me, and i can't think of a better way for it to have happened tbh. Might have liked it sooner but hey
I haven't, I talk about ps1 horror games all day on Twitter of course I didn't lose it
I was 17, I hooked up with a classmate when we were at my house together to “work on homework”.
15 in her basement...she handed me a bottle of cheap white wine after her Mother left for work. It was fantastic to tell you the truth....and then we were just trying to do it all the time, anywhere...oh to be young again
I met an older woman I used to chat to on CB radio. I was 21, she was 27. A long time ago!
I was fifteen with my friend, who was also 15. It was sweet and fumbly.
I lost it a couple of months ago. I'm 18 and i did it with my boyfriend of 3 years. It was awkward and funny.
21 asleep...\[M\]
19 to my current bf. We had been talking for a few months at that point-he made a setup in his bedroom with pixie lights, a rose petal and candle path to his bed which was covered in more rose petals. He was gentle and caring and it was magical.
Age 21, drunk and taken advantage of by a girl I had zero interest in.
Drunken college hookup when I was 20.
disappointing at 18

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