Take Hold Wings Of Life Steve Burk original 1988/2022

1 year ago

Well I saved another one of my songs from the past. Re recorded it Nov. 2022. I played all the parts and sang all vocals , as I do on all my songs. I viewed this song as shit, for some fake friend Tom, made me believe it was shit!? He would make fun of the song title ( Wings Of Life). Well my lil song saved the day!
Tom had a bunch of shit musicians who needed a singer for they entered a battle of the bands back in 1988. (Who enters without a singer already? )Totally stupid lol Anyways, I thought it would be fun to do. Then they said they need an original song to enter, or you couldn't play in the battle. So I whipped this lil song up in 15 minutes lol. We didn't win, for the band was so pathetic, but at least all the judges loved me saying I was the only one professional in quality.
Max Webster's drummer, Gary McCracken, was one of the judges. He wrote down how he loved my song that I wrote. So suck in that you idiot drummer Tom lol
Now after revisiting my song, I realize it's not shit at all! It's fucking great, like all my songs! So take hold of your head phones, or speakers and crank this up!
Last time I recorded this was in 1991 in an apartment in Hollywood California on a shit 4 track recorder.

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