RTX 4080 is a 4070 now because why not

1 year ago

Full video: https://youtu.be/MVWZj1P5XwY

Video transcript:
Here’s some good news about Nvidia’s RTX 4080 12GB that doesn’t exist anymore.
So this was a controversial card that Nvidia wanted to launch but they didn’t.
Mostly because the entire tech community attacked them for their misleading information.
You see this was the 2nd version of the 16GB 4080, but it actually had an entirely different chip that performed about 30% worse.
So pretty misleading to call it a “4080” because it just wasn’t that at all.
Luckily the tech news were there acting as a shield from Nvidia’s unjust marketing strategies, so be sure to follow to increase your defense by 20%.
Pretty good huh?
Anyways the card has now just been renamed to the RTX 4070 Ti & it’s exactly the same as before otherwise.
But it should cost less than the original $900 price tag, which we’ll see in January when it becomes available.

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