Breaking the Cycle, Part 2

2 years ago

Last time we held this show, we came to a point where Ian was taken back to a cabin in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Sure this is a place on earth, a physical geographical position on a map. It’s more than that, it's the soft wind upon your face the trees rustling in the wind and the sound of a cold stream behind you.

This place that seems to bring you peace also has a harsher and more violent side to it, if you fail to prepare and stay out within the elements for to long, nature will kill you.

For those of us who embark upon such adventures do not return the same way we left, rather we are changed by our surroundings, the mountains harsh edges chip away at us, the rains harden us, and the clear skies help us to find resolve within our hearts and minds.

It is not the easy path that leads to self acceptance and pushing past the hardships of life, but rather the struggle to do something hard and come face to face with who you are and realize what it is you must change or come to terms with.

There is a phenomenon the human body experience that is called awe and I believe that Ian found it when he was spending time with the fireflies and by the cabins in the mountains. This is more than wonderment and amazement, although it is definitely all of that, it is also that of fear mixed with adrenaline.

To come face to face with something more powerful than yourself, bigger than yourself, something that strikes the chords of beauty within your very being, you begin to wonder how large this world truly is and how incredibly small you are. And yet, even when such grander stands before you, you push, one step in front of the other.

Into this great beyond, into life itself.

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