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Google: The Ultimate Election Puppetmaster?

2 years ago

Google searches may not be as autonomous as you think. In reality, it appears the platform feeds users a carefully curated narrative based on the information the company does – and does not – want them to see.

On this week’s episode of CensorTrack with Paiten, I dived into the nefarious world of Google search bias.


  • 0/2000
  • A better question would be, "When was the last time you used Google to search the internet?". If you use Google (or Alphabet, in any form), you are one of the sheep. Sleep tight, dumbass!

  • thanks paiton!

  • I switched to duck duck go a long time ago!

  • I did a search for a resturant near me. I used the name, street, state and town. It returned 770 million hits. They've broken everything. They were set up as a backdoor for gov't to circumvent the Constitution. It worked. We stood by and did nothing, even as they murdered and butchered our children. We paid taxes for it. We begged for the right to let them do it. Chuckles the evil one even went so far as to put fear in our hearts about our nation's future, how without ALL immirgration, legal and illegal, America can't survive because Americans are simply not reproducing enough. Our children, those who survive anyway, will be their slaves. And lab rats. Americans... you have no idea what you have done and your children and grand children will suffer greatly because of it. As will we all.

  • https://search.brave.com Make it the default search: https://search.brave.com/search?q=%s&source=web

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  • I hate Google. I have been using duckduckgo.com since 2010. Duckduckgo.com is a search engine that does not remember what you have searched previously, so every search is a "clean search"... it has no "cookies", the only way that Google can get a clean search is to manually remove DOZENS of stored cookies before every search. And duckduckgo.com can easily tell you how to set it up for every browser; it is quite easy to do. Check it out for yourself.

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