Stop Holding YourSelf Back for BS reasons. Ignoring Stupid Rules is Essential to YOUR SUCCESS!

1 year ago

Taboo, social restrictions, superstition and other just because I told you so, or because we think so reasons not to take advantages when they don't hurt yourself or other people is dumb. Do what's best for you without succumbing to idiotic group-think.

Pursue at your own risk. This video mentions psychedelics in one or more of the following contexts: medicinal use, personal improvement, cognitive enhancement, consciousness expansion. This video does not glorify these substances. Any of the statements made are my personal subjective opinion based on my experience. These mentions are intended to be purely educational. This video is not a substitute for professional advice.

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Thank you for Being. ☀️

Identity Transcendence Coach 🌟 — Guided Meditations — Expanding Consciousness — Remembering Guide 🍄🐸🍃❤️ — Plant Teachers — Helping You Unfold Into YourSelf 🙏🏻 ♾Lessons♾Teachings♾Blessings♾

My goal as a guide is to help people understand that they’re Unlimited Self-Creating Beings and help them step into ReCreating the Highest Vision of ThemSelf 🤝

#lessonsteachingsblessings , #lessons , #teachings , # blessings , #wisdom , #spirituality , #wholistic , #guide , #guidance , #harmonic , #lesson , #teaching , #blessing , #learning , #spiritual , #beyondduality , #advantages , #doityourself , #personalresponsibility , #youcanlearnanything , #advantage

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