Control of Congress unclear with 2022 Senate races too close to call 10-11-2022

1 year ago

Control of Congress unclear with 2022 Senate races too close to call 10-11-22
For weeks, Republicans predicted a “red wave” would carry them to power in Congress, as voters repudiated majority Democrats for failing to tame skyrocketing inflation and address worries about rising crime.

The reality appeared far different early Wednesday.

Rather than a wholesale rejection of President Joe Biden and his party, the results were far more mixed as returns from Tuesday's midterms trickled in. With razor-thin margins in several key elections, it could be days or weeks until we know for sure whether Republicans or Democrats will hold the majority in the U.S. Senate.

Many Democratic incumbents proved surprisingly resilient, outperforming their party's own expectations. Meanwhile, Democrat John Fetterman won an open Senate seat currently held by the GOP, while other key races that will determine control of the chamber remain too early to call.

"When you wake up tomorrow, we will be in the majority and Nancy Pelosi will be in the minority,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy predicted early Wednesday.

He may be right. But it appeared that likely Republican gains would come on far less favorable terms than anticipated. #WakeUpCLT #Election #Politics

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