Science behind YOUR Inherent Psychic abilities & understanding them

1 year ago

We will talk about the various forms of psy abilities & the science behind them that only proves it is a real thing but that we are All born with it!!! These abilities are Not working because of Love or any specific 1 emotion. They are inherited abilities that work from focus & intent Alone. Where there is a will there is a way.. so Be careful what you wish for or focus strongly on. Do not "imagine" bringing harm to someone because it will be so in some form or another And to You as well By Default of what you put out , you get back. So be mindful. Be kind. To yourself and others.
Annunaki. Friends & Foes. Reasons for all of it. The Plan!,ability%20to%20feel%20the%20another%20person%E2%80%99s%20feelings%20%28clairsentience%29.

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*Personal reading via video rather than face to face

*Personal reading 1 on 1 via zoom (recorded copy provided for later review)

About EarthSong aka Kelly Robertson
Kelly/EarthSong is a Spiritual Alchemist, Researcher, Truth seeker, Volunteer Star seed, Homestead Prepper, Inventer of the newest method of Quantum Healing Regression Techniques, Aura & Past Life Reader & Guide, Homeschool Teacher of 20+Holistic/Herbaligist yrs., Relationship Assist, Psychic Medium, Intuitive & Energy Healer . She is an internationally recognized healer, psychic, author, & social media commentator who has presented her work worldwide. Kelly/Earthsong is the great-granddaughter of a Cherokee daughter of the Chief. In her endeavors, she reveals Truths about Who We Really Are, Who the nefarious Really Are, Exopolitical information & so much more, that has been largely held in secrecy. She is considered by many to be one of the worlds leading researchers & examples of who we are on: Health, the Power of Thought, DNA memory, Exopolitics, Alchemy, Metaphysics, Quantum Physics & Entanglement, NPL, and Galactic History. Kelly/EarthSong strives to FREE us from a secret type of slavery & the 3-D holographic time-loop, False Archonic systems, and Military Industrial Complex. Exposing hidden agendas so we can take our power back. Feeling a calling regarding her mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through her numerous fascinating & totally abnormal experiences, psychic development, and how the Mind works/Psyche. She has been connecting major dots about how to guide us precisely & easily into higher Earth energies. She has a deep understanding of Gaia-Sophia and our Divine Blueprint, as well as how the energy of the planet & our bodies Truly works. As well, as how they connect to the Venus transits, the Moon, Earth energy grid points, Global Alchemy, DNA & ET races. Her passion is to inspire unity consciousness and bring us back to the Zero point/Unified field, the totality of our divine powers. In this effort, We Are Who We've Been Waiting For & can effectively change our world as we know it! Raising Our vibration/emotions collectively IS the meaning of her namesake! WE in harmonic convergence sing a song that is unstoppable, undefeatable, & unbreakable to Anything that comes our way! Her namesake says it all, Earth & its inhabitants' resonance in symbiotic harmonic frequency, we are currently out of balance... she is here to help us learn how to restore & maintain said balance & sing in collective harmonic unison once again!
NOW is the Time to awaken to YOUR Full Potential brothers & sisters!
Many Blessings

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