Latest Military Intel drops from November 2022 Take Heart!

1 year ago

#MilitaryIntelligenceDrops, #Elections, #Midterms, #Elections2022, #FightTheGoodFight, #YouAreSovereign

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Galatians 5:1
King James Version
5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
See verification in comments of this post on my page or click on Photo frames #Godspeed!

See the Silent Running Vid featured with Commander and Chief Trump Gave a speech and stated, Remember this, Nothing worth doing ever, Ever, EVER came easy!"

Find it inside of here,

This is MY message to you Warriors. ..Buckle up, put on your armor, hunker down and access the true grit by the power that resides in you as a Trained Warrior!

Here is the post with Word strengtheners embedded in comments
We have fought in their stead even though they may never realize it! Thank you for heeding the call anons, warriors and guardians.
Always Shine your LIGHT Bright no matter What! #Perseverance, #Discipline as those who endure to the End Shall be SAVED! We tried to help them. . .the rest is Their Choice and we only deliver the message we don't force like the others.

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