America is cursed by God and will be completely destroyed

1 year ago

America is so wicked that it makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like a picnic, crime in America is out of control, I was sexually abused and no one did anything about it at all, sodomites are pushing their gross sex junk on everyone and are gross ugly people, kids do not need to hear they are gay, trans, lesbians by a half naked sex parrot clown, churches are so dead that there is nothing inside at all, the early church helped the poor and outcasts, churches do not care about the poor, the abused or anyone, they care more about their church traditions, their potlucks, their missionaries, their pagan holidays, their mask's, vaccines and celebrating all the sodomites, abortion, Ukraine and if you do not believe what they do sorry we don't want you in our church, America will be destroyed completely after the rapture happens, there will be nothing left, California Oregon and Washington will get hit by a huge earthquake and everyone living there will be dead, Yellowstone will erupt and is a super volcano, a huge tsnsumi will hit the east coast and killing everyone living there, Russia, Iran, China and north Korea will attack America and destroy America, they will kill anyone they see and will take prisoners of war and will not be nice about it, Biden and all the wicked leaders will be dead and gone, all the rich in America will loose all their money and everything and will kill themselves because their wealth is gone, the antichrist has no need for America at all, America will be removed so Israel can be alone and the antichrist will rule in Israel in jersalem and will go after the Jews and left behind tribulation saints and kill them, America is now a cursed country and no longer blessed by God

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