Vitamin C as an Alternative Cancer Therapy | Dr. Nathan Goodyear at Brio-Medical Cancer Clinic

1 year ago

We all know that Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant with abundant benefits including immune enhancement, protection from viruses and bacteria, cardiovascular protection, eye diseases, and even skin wrinkles. What many people may not know, however, is that in high-dose IV Vitamin C, can kill cancer cells.

Put simply, Vitamin C works with metals in the body to create hydrogen peroxide. Whereas normal cells have the ability to reduce the effects of hydrogen peroxide, cancer cells do not. The high concentration of the resulting hydrogen peroxide damages the DNA of the cancer cells cuts off their energy supply, and kills them. Vitamin C, even in very high doses, is toxic only to the cancer cells without harming the healthy cells in your body.

Opponents to the use of Vitamin C as a chemotherapeutic agent believe that it actually can protect cancer cells. However, this is only potentially true if small doses are used. Small doses may help the cancer cells arm themselves against the free-radical induced damage caused by chemotherapy and radiation. Only markedly higher doses of vitamin C will selectively build up as peroxide in the cancer cells to the point of acting in a manner similar to chemotherapy. These tumor-toxic dosages can only be obtained by intravenous administration.

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