Tarot Reading on Governments of the USA vs IRAN : November 9, 2022

2 years ago


my substack has a written version of the reading as well as links to other readings in this series

Why the Game started up again

Reading on the USA’s Government

Talk about how a Government’s job is to manage the Civilians & their Communities

Reading about Iranian Government

How Groupwork enhances and empowers

How the rest of the world is going to re-engage

Why has the Game started up again?
After internally working through the emotional focus on failures of the past there is now a refocusing on what has worked out and what can be achieved in the future. They are moving out of isolation due to inability to accumulate capital/financial resources/goods and are overcoming the pain from previous political attacks.

The reason why they are moving forward with this confrontation is because there is a sense of cultural unity that is pressing forward. They expect to move forward with engaging with the outside world and overcoming a sense of feeling broken.

The USA’s Government:
Currently they are unable to be optimistic about the results they foresee and are forcing themselves to focus on the work they need to do to get the future result they want. They are being more harsh and rigid because they do not see an optimistic future.
They think that they can be attacked (politically) and have to keep preparing for this because they don’t see a plausible resolution that would help them attain logistical stability. Things don’t make sense and they aren’t seeing the whole truth because they are focused on preparing to be attacked.
They USA’s government feels like they have protection from their community, supports them and their ideals and that things have stopped falling apart on the outside. There may be an internal crumbling of structure that is not in view but they are focused on their emotional connection with the ideals that protect and support them and their community for now.

“supportive community” card is under the card for “thinking that they can be attacked at anytime”.
“ideals are an important part of their identity, and that which they push forward with” card is right under the card for “inept mentality” and “inability to achieve mental fortitude”
“everything has stopped falling apart” card is right under the card for “inability to see the truth”
They plan to use the power of emotional pain and anguish to move the people.
They are expecting to reach their goals but the future will show that the political defenses they have set up are adequate.

The Iranian Government:
They have a ideas and are actively working to put them in motion but they are having difficulty starting new projects and are having difficulty bringing plans and projects to fruition.
They think that the understand and can work with the situation they have, there is a sense of harmony, but they are still have failures in mind and are unable to move forward with confidence. This lack of confidence can negatively affect the work that is done.
They feel that anything can happen but are insecure of their ability to keep moving steadily forward and also of their ability to successfully complete financial/capital/resource plans. They feel like they are not as successful as they had planned for.

“anything could happen” is under the “lack of self-confidence in movement” card
“instability in drive and will” is under the “thinking over and still focused on failures” card
“not being as successful as planned” is under the “understanding the situation and being in harmony with it” card
They are planning to communicate (with who they need to for their plans) and move forward with a more focused, balanced and stable energy.
The expected results is slow and cautious movement and the future they may face disharmony within.

Grounding & Crowning Message

There will be development between as they work together in a group. The Crowning Card is the World. In my video I said that hopefully this meant that they would be able to bring about some form of diplomatic stability. When I looked back at the reading I realized that this meant that what work is done will plant a seed that develops into a result that the rest of world will be involved in.

I pulled more cards for clarity later and got that the rest of the world will step in and work on stabilizing the situation, they might not all get along but they will stay together and the past world order will end as we will transition into a new one.

Thank you for watching my video. I hope it was helpful. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

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