Surveillance: Well planned ATM theft from Canadian movie theatre.

2 years ago

Surveillance: Well planned ATM theft from Canadian movie theatre.

#atmtheft #theft #canada

Halton police are investigating after a thief reportedly caused about $10,000 worth of damages to Oakville’s Film.Ca Cinemas to steal an ATM machine containing just $680.

The theft took place at 2:36 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 3 and was caught by the business’ security cameras.

The video, which was posted on social media by Film.Ca Cinemas, shows a pickup truck attending the 171 Speers Rd., property, mounting some stairs and approaching the movie theatre’s main entrance.

At this point a man in a balaclava gets out of the truck and uses a barbeque propane tank to smash one of the glass doors.

The man then enters the theatre lobby and wraps a cable that is attached to his truck around an ATM machine inside.

He then gets back in his truck and hauls the ATM out of the theatre, further damaging the venue's doors in the process.

“This is the second time in three years,” said Film.Ca Cinemas CEO Jeff Knoll on social media, referring to a Jan. 24, 2019 incident that saw three men in a pickup truck use the same tactic to steal an ATM from his theatre.

Knoll, who is also an Oakville councillor and chair of the Halton Police Board, said those thieves caused around $20,000 worth of damages to his business.

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