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15 seconds

15 seconds

Coose your side

2 years ago


  • 0/2000
  • Hi Nigel youtube just blocked your video, just as I was watching it.

  • Are you going to start posting on Rumble again? [Flush PooTube!] Congratulations on calling out the Covid1984 BS from the get go. I am not into god-bothering myself but I have been struck by the number of Covid1984 whistleblowers, doctors etc have been Christian [etc.] who have put their careers on the line to speak out against the false and murderous narrative of our so-called Health Authorities. There is evidence for the Big Bang such as the expanding universe [as evidenced by res-shift etc] . . . . but it's occurrence [if it occurred] does not answer what was before . . . . or where the shed-loads of energy and matter came from. evolution is very well evidenced. Yes there are gaps in fossil records . . . . which is inevitable considering the small proportion of bodies that get fossilized the destructiveness of geology and the randomness of revelation. Did dinosaurs etc exist? and did camels, elephants etc and humans exist at the same time? . . . . or did they evolve [or get themselves created] later? "first take the plank out of your own eye" [Matthew 7:4-5 according to the interwebs]