Brazil's President Bolsonaro possibly in need of emergency surgery | DW News

2 years ago

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro was admitted to a military hospital in the capital Brasilia early Wednesday morning, complaining of persistent hiccuping.

Hours later, the president was transferred to a hospital in Sao Paolo for exams to determine whether he must undergo emergency surgery for an intestinal blockage.

The president's office said Dr. Antonio Luiz Macedo, who operated on Bolsonaro after he was stabbed in the abdomen at a 2018 campaign event, ordered the transfer.

Bolsonaro was originally admitted for treatment of persistent hiccuping, which doctors in Brasilia had hoped to find the cause of. Bolsonaro says it has gone on for more than 10 days and began after a dental operation.

Questions about the 66-year-old's health have persisted since he was seriously injured in a stabbing attack on the campaign trail in 2018 — he has since had several bouts of abdominal surgery.


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