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This Leaf Can Destroy Viruses, Bacteria And Treat Many Disorders

2 years ago

The sturdy yet flexible leaves of the banana plant are traditionally used for decoration, wrapping food, and as an ingredient in various dishes.

In South India, banana leaves are considered sacred/pure and are therefore used as plates to serve food.

Experts say that banana leaves contain certain waxes that melt when hot food is placed on them, giving the food a unique flavor that's simply incredible.

Also, banana leaves add certain nutrients to the hot food, which makes it even healthier.

These leaves hold a special place in Ayurveda and are used in Ayurvedic medicine for various preparations.

Traditionally, banana leaves are used to dress wounds and treat stomach problems such as diarrhea.

Watch the video to learn more about the health benefits and uses of banana leaves.

Check out other interesting videos on this subject:

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Source(s) / Reference(s):

Beneficial effects of banana leaves on glucose homeostasis

Banana leaf benefits (spanish)

00:00 Introduction
00:56 Improves digestion
01:15 Relieves respiratory congestion
01:34 It helps heal wounds
01:50 It can help fight blood diseases
02:08 Helps with toothache
02:21 Banana leaf tea recipe
02:49 Precautions and side effects
03:14 Outro

#bananaleaf #homeremedies #naturalcures

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