July 8, 2005 🎺 The Lord says... All shall reap what they have sown... Be it Good or Evil

1 year ago

Text & Audio... https://awakeningforreality.com/alle-werden-das-ernten-was-sie-gesaet-haben-sei-es-gut-oder-boese-wort-des-herrn/
Video Playlist Trumpet Call of God... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL73-eEs6JmCtgpDObQGYXYIo7HBgwnrGu
Channels - Kanäle... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2022/10/16/kanalubersicht-channel-overview/
Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Trumpet Call of God in various Languages... https://awakeningforreality.com
Personal Word from the Lord... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/my-rhema/
Source... Official Website in englisch... http://www.trumpetcallofgodonline.com

All shall reap what they have sown… Be it GOOD or EVIL

July 8, 2005 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord spoken to Timothy, for all Those who have Ears to Hear

Thus says The Lord, concerning those who have ears yet refuse to hear, who have eyes yet refuse to see… Only those with hearts left desolate are filled with fear and contempt. For they hide behind doctrine and cover themselves with tradition, to shield themselves from My correction.

Behold, with practiced speech they twist the Scriptures, indeed, they rend the Word of God, for the sake of their own pride. For they do not know Me, neither does My spirit dwell within them. They have not received the love of the truth, nor do they accept Me as I truly am. Thus they willingly believe the lies, walking always in the commandments of men, as they slander those sent to them.

Therefore, thus says The Lord to the churches, all you leaders of the flock… Why do you not receive Me?! Indeed you are unable, for you do always push out the hand! Behold, I send to you a mere man, that you might receive My correction, yet you say he has a demon… You do always fight against Me!

His words are truth, the very will of The Father made known, the word of The Lord put forth through His prophets, once again. Yet you cry, “False!”, because you find they run contrary to your preconceived notions and beliefs, as though you and your established doctrine were somehow above reproach… All the while setting up walls of falsehood, laying down traps of deceit to bar My way before Me; seeking always to fortify your position, lest I expose your masquerade.

Stop listening to the devil, for it is he who speaks to you! He is called satan, and betrayal is in his heart. For he first betrayed Him who created him; then those who he caused to fall with him did he betray from life unto death; followed by Adam through Eve. Then, to My bitter sadness and anger, did he betray Jesus Christ through Judas.

Now does he go about into the whole world to deceive, and if it were possible, even the elect. For he is the great deceiver, lost in his own deceptions, a great betrayal equaled only by his works. Yet all his plans shall return atop his own head; and when it is finished, his punishment shall last forever in the lake of fire which burns… Utterly consumed, forever separated from God, which is the second death.

Thus says The Lord, to those who dwell in the churches of men… O peoples of little faith, you are deceived, led astray by the churches, continually turned aside from the way, by those who have appointed themselves to feed My flock.

The doctrine of the churches is corrupt, born of men and the harlot. Yes, she has deceived you, O churches of men, and in her ways you walk still. Throughout her generations she has deceived the people, in her lust for power she has oppressed them, causing multitudes to embrace the crooked path… She is a harlot, her ways antichrist, and yet you follow her!

Behold, by her own power and authority, of which she appointed to herself, she changed My Commandments! Yet you nod your head in agreement, O churches of men! Yes, you obey her teachings as you forsake My Sabbaths, upholding many of the same corrupt doctrines and filthy traditions which I hate!… Therefore, O churches of men, your discipline shall be most severe; your abasement, very terrible!

And you, O church of harlots, shall be stripped naked and brought to ruin! Behold, you shall be cut in pieces and left utterly desolate, to the astonishment of all people! FOR I DO NOT CHANGE! Says The Lord.

So then listen closely and give ear, all you who call yourselves Christian, all you who stone My prophets and slander those sent to you, all you who abuse My Word in Scripture and desecrate My Sabbaths.

Hear The Word of The Lord and give heed, be bowed down, for the mouth of The Living God has spoken: ALL YOU SOW, YOU SHALL REAP! Repent, therefore! Again I say, repent, lest you catch fire also, as you watch all your works burn in the Day! For My anger is kindled against you, O churches of men! And My wrath grows in its fury, against ALL who lead My people astray!…

Yet greater still is My Mercy and The Seat which I sent… Therefore call upon Him in sincerity, call upon Him in truth, follow Him as He has shown you, and turn away from the commandments of men… For He alone is The Way and The Truth, The Life without end.

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