Karthika Bala - Taking Your Mind Performance to the 10th Power

1 year ago

“In our minds, the truth, in its truest form, is in silence..” -K.R. Bala

How can we experience inner peace in this troubling world?

Do you suffer from ruminating thoughts, uncontrolled emotions, and unhealthy patterns of behavior?

In today's episode, K.R. Bala will share her knowledge of the effectiveness of guided meditation and experience what it feels like to truly enter a solid place of peace, harmony, joy, and connecting to your power, helping you to overcome the victim mentality and feeling of helplessness.

K.R. Bala is a writer, spiritual and mindfulness coach, meditation teacher, artist, and the creator of Wildsoul Bloom, which offers guidance on how to live a holistic, manageable, and sustainable lifestyle to help you find more mental and emotional freedom. She also created Spiritual Fitness, a method for maintaining a loving and enduring relationship with your soul that integrates your personality into the process and encourages you to live more profoundly and authentically, free from mental constraints and programming.

Check out these episode highlights:
-What is the best way to step outside of your comfort zone
-The power of guided meditations
-What are some factors that can harm your mental health
-How to deal with the feelings that are arising
-You have to be interested in what you don't know
-What are the indicators that you're making big strides
-The epitome of freedom is to be at peace
-K.R.’s favorite form of meditation
-Where does health challenges start to come into play\
-The universal loving kindness meditation
-Why most people avoid the the process of healing
-What does true healing mean, and how can we achieve it
-It's through our pain that we've learned the most
-What are the benefits of meditation on your mind and body

Tune in to learn more values from this episode!

Know more about K.R.
Website: https://www.wildsoulbloom.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wildsoulbloom/

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