President Biden: 'I'm Not Gonna Change The Direction'

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1 year ago

BIDEN: “Good afternoon. Well, we had an election yesterday. And it was a good day, I think, for democracy. And I think it was a good day for America. Excuse me, I’m a little hoarse. Our democracy has been tested in recent years, but with their votes, the American people have spoken and proven once again that democracy is who we are. The states across the country saw record voter turnout, and the heart and soul of our democracy, the voters, the poll workers, the election officials, they did their job and they fulfilled their duty. And, apparently, without much interference at all. Without any interference, it looks like. And that’s a testament, I think, to the American people. While we don’t know all the results yet, at least I don’t know them all yet, here’s what we do know: While the press and the pundits are predicting a giant red wave, it didn’t happen. And I know you were somewhat miffed by my obsessive optimism, but I felt good during the whole process. I thought we were going to do fine. While any seat lost is painful — some good Democrats didn’t win the last night — Democrats had a strong night. And we lost fewer seats in the House of Representatives than any Democratic president in his first midterm election in the last 40 years, and we had the best midterm for governors since 1986.”
“And let me say this: Regardless, regardless of what the final tally in these elections show, and there’s still some counting going on, I’m prepared to work with my Republican colleagues. The American people have made clear, I think, that they expect Republicans be prepared to work with me as well. In the area of foreign policy, I hope we’ll continue this bipartisan approach of confronting Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. When I return from the G20 meetings in Indonesia with other world leaders, I’m going to invite the leaders of both political parties, as I’ve done in the past in my foreign trips, to the White House to discuss how we can work together for the remainder of this year and into the next Congress, to advance the economic and national security priorities of the United States. And I’m open to any good ideas. I want to be very clear: I’m not going to support any Republican proposal that’s going to make inflation worse. For example, the voters don’t want to pay higher prescription costs for drugs. We’ve cut that now, we’re going to kick into gear next year, next calendar year, and I’m not going to walk away from the historic commitments we just made to take on the climate crisis. They’re not compromisable issues to me. And I won’t let it happen. The voters don’t want more taxes for the super — tax cuts for the super wealthy and biggest corporations, and I’m going to continue to focus on cost-cutting for working and middle class families, and building an economy from the bottom up and the middle out. I know you’re tired of hearing me say that, but I genuinely mean it. That’s what makes America grow. The wealthy do very well when the middle class is doing well and the poor have a way up. And while I continue to bring down the federal deficit. As we look at tax cuts, we should be looking at tax cuts for working people and middle class people, not the very wealthy. They’re fine. Look, I — if you can go out and be a multimillionaire, that’s great, just pay your fair share. That’s all. That’s all. Just pay your fair share. It’s like those 55 corporations in 2000 that made $40 billion, they didn’t pay a penny in federal taxes. It’s not right. Everybody has an obligation. So now they have to pay a staggering 15 percent — you all pay more than that — for new taxes. I'm not gonna change the direction, I said I ran for three reasons. I am going to continue to stay where I am I know. I fully understand the legitimate concern that what I'm saying is wrong, OK? One is that I said we're gonna restore the soul of the country. Begin to treat each other with decency, honor and integrity. And it's starting to happen. People are.....the conversations are becoming more normal. Becoming can I say it? ”

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