What a disgusting post by Tracy Lynn Brabin who is the Mayor of West Yorkshire

1 year ago

What a disgusting post by Tracy Lynn Brabin who is the Mayor of West Yorkshire. First both men and women can be violent and assault there partners. Indeed a male friend was nearly killed by his girlfriend. Sexism has nothing to do with being violent)(this is both a stupid and dangerous remark). People who are violent have anger problems. They may be in fact woke and political correct yet still be violent. One problem is often if they do go to prison it is only six months at a time. Then come out of prison they are given accommodation sometimes near the victims house. The other problem is victims are given a false sense of safety because they send the thug on these courses about controlling violence that I suspect do nothing in most cases but the victim stays with the thug believing these courses have changed the person’s behaviour. One suspects they do not change. Drugs and alcohol does not help, often got via benefits. But it is disgusting to suggest it it only males who are violent and the reason is because they are sexist.

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