IAEA to send team of experts to Fukushima, likely including S. Korean experts

1 year ago

36 回視聴 2021/04/15
IAEA, 日오염수 우려에 "韓 등 주변국 참여 조사단 파견 검토"...외교당국 "IAEA, 우리 입장 이해"

The UN nuclear watchdog is looking at sending a multinational team to Japan, including experts from South Korea,... regarding Tokyo's plan to dump radioactive water from Fukushima into the ocean.
Yoon Jung-min reports.
The International Atomic Energy Agency says it's considering sending a team of experts to Japan, including those from neighboring countries, amid growing concerns about Tokyo's plan to discharge contaminated water into the ocean from the defunct Fukushima nuclear power plant.
In an interview Wednesday with Japan's NHK, the IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi said concerns among Japan's local residents and its neighbors South Korea and China... cannot be ignored.
He added that all those concerns have to be "taken seriously."
Sources in Seoul say the agency is giving positive consideration to including experts from South Korea on the team, but it remains to be seen whether Japan will accept that.

The issue was also discussed at a weekly National Security Council meeting at the Blue House on Thursday, during which members again expressed regrets about Japan's decision, urged transparent information sharing and vowed to work with the international community to find ways for settlement.

"We are currently engaged in a review of the international law issue. But we cannot give details at the current stage."

Sources in Seoul say Japan has not given South Korea enough information about its discharge plan, including how and when it might be carried out.
They say they will urge Japan to share information transparently, while working with countries around the Pacific Rim... that are likely to be directly affected by the release of the water.
Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.

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