WIN THIS BIONIC ARM! (Plus watch me build it!)

4 years ago

Watch me make this newer version of my Bionic Arm. As always, you can get the template to build your own from my website (this is just for the paper template though, not the laser cut parts.

Official rules for the contest:
1. You must subscribe to this channel and have the notification bell set to "all"
2. You must subscribe to SendCutSend's YouTube channel
3. You must find the secret message in this video and be the first person to email the message to
There is no purchase necessary to win. All entries must be in before February 28, 2021 at midnight EST. Winner will be alerted by email on March 1st, 2021. If no one has emailed the correct message by that date, the Bionic Arm will be auctioned off instead.

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