Fact check - No Katie porter did not prove corporations are profiting off of inflation

1 year ago

In this video I debunk the latest fake news story from the lefts paid agitator
MeidasTouch Where he claims a California democratic rep katie Porter debunks republicans lies on inflation

In this video he proudly boast about a made up story n where they actually went so far as to create an entire study not one but two created by a progressive left wing think tank in order to deceive the American people.

Where she did a mock trial in where she preceded to deceptively question a man in the video about inflation, except she left out the man she was questioning was the architect of the information she was refferencing.

Hes not a witness or a CEO of a company as one would assume from the way the video is presented hes actually an employee at a very liberal left wing think tank called the roosevelt institute, an institute who believes the system of free-market capitalism is inherently unjust. His name is Mike Konczal

and he wrote not one but two studies that are not based in any facts or real testimony from any corporations these are his own personal opinions he then linked the article to a oversite.house.gov to manipulate people into believing that this article held any sort of credibility.

The video fails to mention the reason why it was linked to the site, and it's because katie porter used the study at a house committee oversite sub committee meeting

So, this isnt a witness or a company making these false claims, these claime are from a very progressive leftist think tank with anti-capitalist's views

The study demonstrated are of his communist views, not an actual testimony or study from actual corporations not once in the viral video that had been going around did they assert that this was not actual testimony or real data from real companies admitting they profited from inflation as the video clearly trys to portray.

This is highly deceptive and manipulative of the democratic part and meidas touch is responsible for many of these misinformation campaigns.

fake news video provided by meidas touch

The fake Study

Katie Porter

Mike Konczal


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