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Types of Railcars

2 years ago

Autorack cars are used to haul automobiles and machinery

Boxcars are enclosed with sides and sliding doors, ends and a roof. There are different types of boxcars such as double door boxcars for easier loading and reefer cars for food items that need to be refrigerated or frozen. These are best for hauling directly from the shipper's end to the receiver's end.

Centerbeam cars have ends on both sides and a centerbeam in the middle for more organized loading of items such as wood pallets.

Covered hopper cars have sides, ends, top with roof hatches for loading and hatches underneath the car for unloading. These haul bulk that can't be exposed to severe weather conditions such as sugar, cement, rice, sand or wheat.

Gondola cars have ends and sides but no roof. These haul scrap metal and smaller machinery.

Open top hopper cars are just like the covered hoppers, but the only difference is that there are no roof hatches to allow quicker loading for bulk that does not need protection such as coal and gravel

Spine cars are used for hauling semi-trailers for intermodal I'll leave that further down in the description.

Tank cars are used for hauling liquids such as chemicals, gas, oils and paints

Well cars are used for hauling shipping containers which again is known as intermodal INTER meaning to change and MODE meaning the type of transport (Semi trucks on the road, trains by rail or maritime around the world).

Cabooses were the last car on the train back when they were shorter and until better and much safer technology allowed for a better alternative called the end of train (EOT) or FRED (flashing rear end device). this is used to communicate important information up to the locomotive.