Remember Your Past Lives on Your own. Only if you want to know.

1 year ago

This isochronic tone is not for everyone and I don't recommend it to everyone. Reason being, it will usually pull up your souls memories and recreate them in your dreams, but the issue lies in the fact that it will usually pull up endings or traumas in past lives, things your soul still struggles with. Not always a good feeling if you are not prepared for that to happen. That being said, to me and my family we take these moments to talk about them, which in turn helps the soul to deal with things locked up throughout time. The main reason we come down here is to experience life in this creation to better our soul, so dealing with things of the past has more benefits than ignoring them forever. The question that most have had before having a past life "regression" or memory, is how will they know the difference in a dream and a memory? Trust me, you will know. We can easily confuse ourselves in daily life, such as remembering things wrong or the details are shady. With past life dreams, you will know. You will remember and you won't ever shake the thought or the scene that plays out, once you have brought it to your present memory. There is no putting it back, so if you have no interest in dealing with things of your souls past, I suggest you back out and ignore this one. If you are focused on your souls journey, by all means continue. This one sometimes takes repeating before it kicks in, but for some it starts happening the first couple nights of sleep afterward. It depends on how open your soul has allowed you to be in this life or at this moment in time, among other factors. I ask questions or seek answers for what I don't know, but I do love to share what I do know. This probably rings a bell with a lot of you reading this. I often refer to this type of work as cheat codes in this realm, but is it really cheating to take and give knowledge to and from others? I believe not, or there would be no such thing as wisdom. I think if we are willing to go further or learn more, we are just taking bigger strides in the whole purpose of our being here. I'm rambling now and this is only supposed to be a video description. Below is a bit about my history, not much just a bit, so you know where my work comes from. I hope my work can bring you some aid in life.

I had spent over 30 years as a sound engineer and obsessed with natural healing. During that time I designed a series of 12 CD's, all focusing on cell manipulation using sound technology. I released them back in 2012/2013 which I used to sale on amazon back in the day, then on youtube I would release a set here and there. I have recently moved over here to Rumble to join the rest of you folks and having no desire to sale my cd's these days, I still love how they work and how they help people, so I am uploading them here that maybe I can still do my part to help people however I can.

I have since retired from sound to start a farm, which has now been 10 years ago, so much of the content that I and my family want to add to our channel will be along the lines of farm/offgrid living, building, sawmill stuff and other what nots. But I did want to carry over my work from days gone by, because it has helped many people around the world and I would like that to continue, where people don't have to buy my work, just enjoy it.

I have practiced and taught meditation and astral projection techniques for many years, just another spiritual passion of mine, so over time I might do some videos on things of that nature.

If you are new to sound healing, it's simple and safe to use and easy to understand the principle. Just imagine yourself as a radio and the cells in your body are the antennas, with the sound technology being the radio station. It's an analogue way of reprogramming cell software, so to say. If you enjoy our work, maybe you can cheer us on by keeping up with our journey along with us.

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