Carefully Created

2 years ago

©&℗2022 Lee Goldberg Music

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(See lyrics below)

The earth and all it's treasures will pass away but you will continue to live on; this is just one of many reasons why your value is greater than all the treasures of the earth!
This is the first of what I hope will be many recorded-live (flaws and all) encouragements in word and song. You will find content on the Christian Life and the various ups and downs that go with it. I hope and pray the songs will minister to your heart.
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Be Blessed!

Do you trample under foot what the Lord considers holy?
Are you calling that of value worthless waste?
Have you cast that precious pearl before your sacred swine only?
Now I lay before you truth you must embrace.
You were carefully created by the holy hand of God,
Worth more than all the treasures of the earth.
Carefully created by the holy hand of God,
A masterpiece, invaluable in worth.
(Incomparable, Immeasurable)
Stop judging yourself now for all the flaws in your possession,
That have you living like an orphan while a son.
A royal prince, a priest, with your inheritance in heaven,
Solely suited for the work that must be done.
Don't compare yourself to those who were made for other things;
Find your God-given destiny with all the joy it brings.


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