Acts 09: Stephen’s Defense, Acts 7:1-8:1a

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Hi SBC Family!

Tonight we get to watch Stephen give a masterful defense of the charges brought against him, while weaving in an argument for the Messiahship of Jesus, which leads to his martyrdom! This man was a great student of the Bible and a great loss to the church, but God had a new student in mind. You cannot stop Christ. He will build His church. This is the longest speech in Acts. That is very telling.

Praise the LORD! Robyn Antoine had her baby girl early this AM (12am'ish). Congrats to both Joe and Robyn!

Prayer for Marlene Soltero, Ron Kellam's wife. Her daughter passed away early this AM. She was a believer. Pray for Marlene, her other daughter, and Ron.

Grace to you,


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