The Convergence of Prophecy Update "Sudden Death"

1 year ago

We would go to war with the government before we let them take our grandpa or grandma, or sick family member away.
But haven’t they already begun that process…covid patients being placed in nursing homes among the most vulnerable while there were hospital ships and field hospitals that sat virtually empty.
How many grandmothers and grandfathers were killed in nursing homes.
Or those who got sick and because of underlying medical conditions were put in a hospital and not allowed visitors…
Many of them were left to die in those hospitals with little being done to save them.
How many of our sick family members were killed in hospitals.
Eventually the Nazi’s used the gas chambers and ovens to create a more efficient means of killing mass amounts of people…
Well, hasn’t the government done the same thing with the jab?
And as far as the youngest…hasn’t government controlled and supported abortion…been taking its toll on the very youngest?

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