不要被基督教牧师欺骗 Don't be Deceived by Christian Pastors - WarningThePeople

2 years ago

Source: https://youtu.be/Kw3FLsLbqfM


2013年2月3日 来自 YouTube Channel: WarningThePeople




关于这些牧师,耶稣是怎么说的呢?马太福音23章,他们喜欢宴席中的上座和会堂里的首位。 他们喜欢别人在街市上问候他们,称呼他们为老师。 但你们不要让别人称呼你们为老师,因为你们只有一位老师(基督),你们彼此都是弟兄。 不要称呼地上的人为父亲,因为你们只有一位父亲,祂在天上。 不要让人称你们为导师,因为你们只有一位导师——基督。 (马太福音 23:6-10 当代译本)


If you soul desire is a personal relationship with Jesus, then where you need to go is directly to JESUS in prayer. It's funny (and very sad) how so many people, they know this but they don't believe that Jesus would actually speak to them. So many people that have been brought up in church believe that you have to listen to your pastor and THAT is how you hear from Jesus. THAT IS NOT TRUE! We hear from Jesus, from JESUS! Jesus promises His Holy Spirit to lead us and to guide us and to teach us ALL things. Jesus did NOT promise you a pastor, He did not promise you a Bible, He did not promise you that you could even read. It is a privilege to be able to read the Bible and to see the things in the text, but we are NOT promised even to have eyes to be able to see a page, but we ARE promised the Holy Spirit. If you truly want to be in relationship with your Creator, then the way you do it is going directly to Jesus in prayer and you ask Him for ears to hear and eyes to see. Too many people become religious, they want to know who God is, and they go to all the wrong places to try to find who God is. But they do NOT go directly to Jesus. So many pastors are leading people in the WRONG direction. They are telling people that THEY are the pastor who hears from God and "Come to MY church", and all these kinds of things, but they are NOT pointing people to Jesus. This is what Jesus said about these pastors in Matthew Chapter 23:6-10; "They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, 'Rabbi, Rabbi.' (Which means teacher) BUT you, do NOT be called Rabbi; for ONE is your Teacher the Christ, and you are ALL brothers. Do not call anyone on earth your father, for ONE is your Father, HE WHO IS IN HEAVEN! And do not be called teachers, for ONE is your Teacher, the CHRIST!" But pastors they like to go around (Just like the Pharisees) being called "Good teacher/Good Pastor", or the Catholics like to call their pastor, "Good Father" or whatever else, BUT if we are going to truly follow Jesus, we can't be going to other people thinking they are hearing from God because today most ALL pastors are deceivers and they are NOT leading people to God, they are leading people to themselves. They're leading people to Satan. They're teaching people all kinds of lies, but they are NOT leading people to Jesus. So if you are seeking Truth, and if you are seeking the Way, that is THE NAMES OF JESUS! Then you go directly to Jesus in prayer, ask Him for ears to hear and eyes to see. Ask HIM for the Holy Spirit to lead you into ALL truth. To read more about this you can look at John chapter 14-16, this is where Jesus promised the Holy Spirit. And then go and pray and ask HIM for the Holy Spirit. May the grace of Jesus be with you.

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