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NZDF Interview Mini-Cut

2 years ago

Here's a mini cut of our interview with the NZDF personnel of United We Stand NZ.

To support: https://www.unitedwestand.nz/support

Full-Length Interview: https://rumble.com/v1seza4-nzdf-personnel-united-we-stand-nz.html


  • 0/2000
  • Welcome to a lot of peoples world..I was in my job 9years..and I got sacked by email and was told that I was no longer welcome on premices etc..angry much and no worthless politican or party stood up and spoke out..as that lady said you are just another ant..a number even..really has made me bitter at the so called theory that you are a valued member of any team..

  • Thanks Liz. So who and how do we make contact with the kiwis who will HOLD THEM ALL ACCOUNTABLE for their crimes against humanity???

  • I served in the Army for 21 years and watched how the Military and Police hierarchy behaved with a great deal of anger. When I first joined it was drummed into us that it was a serious offence under Military, Civil and International Law to obey unlawful orders, and depending on the crime the death penalty may apply. There was nothing lawful about the orders to force personnel to take a jab that was not required and still has a trial status until late in 2023, and those in the top levels of the Defence Force and anyone else who followed those orders committed offences. I refuse to call those at the top and anyone else who forced personnel under their command to get the toxic jabs leaders, because they have shown no courage or leadership. They are followers and cowards and some of them should face the ultimate penalty in the same way those tried at Nuremburg did. They also followed unlawful orders during the lockdowns and so called quarantines. Their job is to defend New Zealand from threats, both internal and external, and they have failed when it mattered most. Whatever the reason for their failure they also need to be investigated for treason. No forgive and forget.

  • God will be their judge & jury at the end of the day, however I would not mind televised hangings of all these evil government officials. Just sayin'

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