Give Your Kids a Head Start| @Leo and Longevity

2 years ago

Give your kids more opportunities in life

Increase intelligence and height with these two natural supplements.

Academic papers referenced in this video:

* Guo, J., Xie, J., Zhou, B., Gäman, M. A., Kord-Varkaneh, H., Clark, C. C., ... & Liang, Y. (2020). The influence of zinc supplementation on IGF-1 levels in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Joural of King Saud University-
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*Effect of zinc supplementation on GH, IGF1, IGFBP3, ON, and ALP in non-zinc-deficient
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* Roohani, N., Hurrell, R., Kelishadi, R., & Schulin, R. (2013). Zinc and its importance for human health: An integrative
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* Himoto, T., & Masaki, T. (2018). Associations between zinc deficiency and metabolic abnormalities in patients with
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*Lee, D., Lee, S. H., Song, J., Jee, H. J., Cha, S. H., & Chang, G. T. (2018). Effects of astragalus extract mixture HT042
on height growth in children with mild short stature: a multicenter randomized controlled trial. Phytotherapy Research, 32(1), 49-57. h (United States)
*Lee, D., Lee, S. H., Lee, Y. H., Song, J., & Kim, H. (2017). Astragalus extract mixture HT042 increases longitudinal bone growth rate by up regulating circulatory IGF-1 in rats. Evidence based complementary and alternative medicine, 2017.
*Lee, D., Lee, S. H., Lee, Y. H., Song, J., & Kim, H. (2021). Effects of astragalus extract mixture hto42 on h295r steroidgenesis Hershberger Assay. Food Supplements and Biomaterials for Health, 1(1).
* Valenzuela, H., Burguez, C.., Chikami, K., Cruz, M., & Rinaldi, D. (2013). Assessing natural telomerase activalors


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