Freedom has a special meaning to me. Learn to love your life. Experience.

1 year ago

Just a little montage of my hunt yesterday. I have more but they will probably be boring to most people. Let I get private messages everyday asking for more of these outdoors shows. And show sin general. I haven't recorded any "street" stories lately because I am now working with a professional publicist who has a very strategic plan for PR for me and the television project I am involved with. There really is no point in posting such videos here. I don't market y Rumble channel. I don't care. I will build a market when the time comes. For now, it is more important that I listen to the professionals and follow their direction. Video content here and YT had very little ROI. I found over the few years I was involved in that space it is really a bizarre world of obsessed groupie types. Some were fans of me, but I eventually told them if they have been watching my show for 2 years and never bought my books, or merch, than I probably am NOT tiger channel for them. They got really butt hurter that. Not that I cared. They weren't buying books and merch. But they all went in a smear campaign against me and eventually got mt channel deleted. Thank GOD. They did me a huge favor. I have gotten so much done since then. Shame on me for stepping over $100 bills o chase pennies. Life lesson. So stay tuned. Big things coming. IN the meantime, enjoy my outdoor adventures. I hope they inspire you to get off the phone and get into reality. Life is too short. Get outside and live. Rumble, YT, FB, all fake places loaded with fake people, many of whom use fake names under fake accounts. What is the point? It's all fake. Personally, I am a real dude. I live in reality. And if I am going to talk gangster with someone, I will do it. in real life or not at all. I am old school like that. I did 13 years in prison, and would sound your face in if you stepped to me. Now ask why no one ever did? Simple. They knew I was a real one. Here in fake fantasy land, anyone can pretend to be anything. Sad.

Enjoy the video. I am getting ready to workout so I can get out there and hunt again tonight. Run is on. Got good wind. I'm out there, yp!

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