Episode #41 – Roman Special 2.0

2 years ago

Is this enough rope? Let’s see… On this episode of Conservatives Talk, Justin & Jamie do an interview with the focus of their last Roman Special, Rome City Commissioner Mark Cochran. Mark answers a few questions about the events that have led some to dub parts of Broad St in Rome, GA as an up-and-coming Red-Light district. After the interview, Justin & Jamie do a short follow up segment verifying their vision on a pathway forward to prevent this from occurring again. @VeteransForAmericaFirst, #2022RedSurge, #DontBeMadVoteRed, #IfYouDontVoteItsYourFault, #ThatsGoingToGetUsSued, #ThatsGoingToGetUsCanceled, #BoycottHometownHeadlines, #CallYourRomeCityCommissioners, #VeteransForAmericaFirst, #VFAF, #VetVoice, #NetNewsNetwork

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