From Genspect Symposium 2022: Michelle Alleva - From Transition to Detransition

2 years ago

Detransitioner Michelle Alleva's presentation from the 2022 Genspect Symposium.

In this presentation Michelle details the timeline of her journey of transition and detransition and outlines the complexities of her personality and mental health which should have been part of the assessment by the health professionals who instead opted of an affirmation only approach to dysphoria.

By adopting an affirmation only approach to dysphoria, the health professionals deprived Michelle of the full measure of informed consent because other possible diagnoses or therapeutic options were not explored or covered.

By listening to the accounts of detransitioners we can help bring an ethical and comprehensive informed consent model back into the therapeutic process which allows other differential possibilities to be factored in a patient's care - rather than affirmation only.

See the full presentation at Genspects channel here:

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