Learn how to become a better Lucky Hook ball bowler #96 with Dann the CD born MAN on 11-06-22.#96 bowl video

1 year ago

Bowled 23 games 2hr 15mins. bowled with 15lb 2 oz watermelon & 15lb 8 oz basketball with NO THUMB with end over end roll / revs for a stragit ball rolling towards the target as a straight ball. oh yeah that's right whenever crime is over looked its not reported of course just look at the over 6 months of BLM burning down many businesses, the stealing the stores blind, the killings & the businesses going out of business never to return over $2 billion gone no problem no crime there. oh yeah that was all peaceful protest that's right, nothing wrong there. oh wait democrats are re-wording what a rescission is so that means America hasn't been in a the rescission of 2022 since 8-1-22. NOW today there is no crime in any democrat state (if crimes are NOT charged then there is NO crime, right) oh that's why democrat states has no crimes: NO law no crimes, right. no police no law. democrats slogan DE-FUND the police then there will be no crime right. even today 11-10-22 if you don't steal over $1k at a time it can't be a crime, right. these are democrats rules NOT my or republican rules. of course abortion is murder but NOT under democrat rule! baby's can't feel death they arn't even a day old yet even if they are a day old put a knife to there heart its ok under democrat rule & get votes from those HATEFUL EVIL women TOO! its the ONLY way Fettermen could have won! heheheheHA! so gross but it works!

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