Podcast Unvaccinated and Healthy - Episode 0013 - Anonymous (USA) - Nov 09, 2022

2 years ago

🙌 Podcast Unvaccinated and Healthy - Episode 0013 - Anonymous (USA) - Nov 09, 2022 💪📣

Is it still difficult to be an unvaccinated and healthy citizen in a deep blue-democrat-liberal region in the US?

YES! That is why our guest asked us to remain anonymous.

We talked about living under that level of social pressure, about being a couple and parents with different views related to the pandemic, plus about other important social and family issues, such as education for children, socio-political perceptions, and key differences in countries and societies, from the perspective of us as citizens. It was such an exciting dialogue!!!

😉 Do you want to share your story? Contact us!: contacto@unvaccinatedandhealthy.info

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See you there! 🙌

👉 Recommended material that we wrote in April 2020 when the biggest nonsense and absurdities began. Very interesting!:
Book "Homo Brutus Imaginatius (HBI)" https://www.amazon.com.mx/Homo-Brutus-Imaginatius-HBI-sociedad-ebook/dp/B088C3S2T7

#unvaccinatedandhealthy #podcast #unvaccinated #healthy #unjabbed #health #resilience #healthylife #systemsthinking #wellness #wellbeing #socialimpact #family #parenting #society

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