1000’s of Screw Ups – Being Dad with Phil Lower, November 9, 2022

1 year ago

I was having a discussion with one of my kids about having breakfast at home versus school or eating out on the way to school.

I told her that I knew when she ate and when she didn’t and I could even tell what she ate.

That’s when she gave in and agreed to have breakfast.

I fast for 12-16 hours every day and workout 4 times per week average. So I get it. She didn’t want to eat. But she’s also not eating correctly and I don’t want her health impacted.

She’s misled me in the past, but my love for her is just like most dads’ love. You’re willing to cover over a bunch of screw ups as long as they keep learning.

The stronger my love for my kids and my wife, the more I’m willing to discuss and correct rather than fly off the handle.

Just because I love them doesn’t mean that they get a free pass. I have to model accountability and I expect them to live up to it also.

Thoughts from 1 Peter 4:8

Email me at info@dqotd.com

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