3 Ways to make this miter cut without a bandsaw (woodworking tip)

3 years ago

In this video, I show three ways make a miter cut without a bandsaw. After making the collapsible outdoor chair, I received a number of requests for an alternative way to make the cut I did on the bandsaw.

Outdoor chair Video: https://youtu.be/wDj5VAnI7GM
Build your own chair (free Plans here) https://diycreators.com/collapsible-outdoor-chair/
Written article: https://diycreators.com/cut-4x4-with-no-bandsaw/

Tools Used:
* Bandsaw Laguna 14|Twelve 14'' Band Saw
* Table saw: https://homedepot.sjv.io/Vy6RkJ
* Reciprocating saw: https://homedepot.sjv.io/rn2eKd
* Blade: https://homedepot.sjv.io/DVkA6G
*Circular saw: https://homedepot.sjv.io/EabqY2
* Bessy clamps https://homedepot.sjv.io/QO6z19
* Rockler clamps: https://www.rockler.com/sure-footreg-f-style-clamps

• All my woodworking plans https://gumroad.com/diycreators
• Timberland pro work gear - http://bit.ly/TimberlandPRO_DIYCreators
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