The reason many are against porn is because they hate working class women

2 years ago

One reason people are anti porn is because they hate working class women. They never see@ to object to the middle class actresses doing nude or even sec scenes in films or tv or plays. Or middle class models walking around nude on the cat walk. They have no problems going to art galleries and seeing paintings of nude ladies. But if working class women do that on a website it is suddenly wrong. How dare they earn thousands they say. Instead they should be serving me at the supermarket. In truth if they women wore middle class or did not earn much these snobs would not care. Also it is amusing to see the right who believe in free speech suddenly believe in censorship. And yes some may do porn and regret it. But some may do any job and regret it. Someone who used to be a doctor is not seen as a victim if they change jobs. But they often see working class women as stupid and victims who always need the middle class to come and protect them and tell them what they should and should not be doing.

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