I had decided not to vote today.

2 years ago

I had decided not to vote today.

Spoiler alert: I did end up voting!

I am 8 months pregnant, I have twin one year old girls, and I live in a red state where I honestly don't feel like my vote even counts. I spent the afternoon walking around the mall with my baby girls and my mom, pushing them in the stroller and carrying their heavy diaper bag. I was already exhausted and wasn't sure I even wanted to go walking to begin with, but decided to go anyways. By the end of the trip, I was REALLY feeling beat. I loaded my tired babies in the car, packed up the stroller and all our stuff, and headed for home, where my bed was calling for me!

Halfway home, I glanced in the mirror at my sleeping girls, and decided we needed to stop at the polls first. I really didn't want to go through the hassle of getting them out again, unloading the stroller, waiting in line on my feet and then packing it all up again only to unload a minute later 5 blocks away at home. But.. there's so much at stake. Our rights are being threatened; my girls' future rights are at stake. I still don't think my vote counts in my deep red state (it was already counted red at the time I went in), but I did it. I voted today, and I did it for myself and my girls.

#reddit #TwoXChromosomes #tts

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