When Kitty notices the neighbor's cat adversary at the front door, she meows the house down.

1 year ago

This is the anxious moment when a loud-mouthed cat begins meowing vehemently through a glass door to challenge his competitor to a cat fight. The feisty cat begins pleading with its owner to let him unlock the

front door so he may go outside and fight. Jacob gets tough and wants to have a fight with his opponent when he sees another male cat on the other side of the glass door staring at him and pleading with him to give

up, so he begs his owners to let him out. Listen to the amazing speech abilities this Russian cat exhibits.He appears to be requesting that the door be opened in Russian! To communicate to his owner that he is

prepared to defend his territory and masculinity, this cat develops his meowing abilities and nearly learns to speak in human! Male cats have peculiar ways of establishing dominance.

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