RT News - November 9th 2022

1 year ago

US Mid-term election : Votes have not been able to be cast in some areas of USA due to poll counting machines "being broken" and that's despite people waiting in line to cast their votes and ex-Pres. Donald Trump issuing information for voters to stay in the lines. Amid a forecast Republican majority in the US House of Representatives, US President Joe Biden, a Democrat, braces for what he calls "two horrible years" of political volatility.

An "off-the-cuff" joke made by a Russian oligarch about Russian interference has been taken seriously by the approved press.

The African community sounds an alarm over violent extremism flourishing on social media with notorious terrorist groups recruiting young people via online platforms.

COP27 : Germany's chancellor blames Russia - but not the Western sanctions spree - for his country turning to coal to fuel its economy. (QueenStreet comment: despite UK/US sabotage of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, it's believed at least one pipe is still available to deliver gas. Somehow this seems to have skipped the German's mind?). Some (most) African countries view the demands of the west as a "new form of colonialism"

BRICS : Algeria has formally now applied for membership of the BRICS bloc. Important as it's Africa's largest gas exporter. Algeria is the latest to seek membership after Argentina and Iran submitted their bids earlier this year.

Tensions rise across Pakistan as protests continue after the attempted assassination of ex-Pres. Imran Khan. The protesters demand a full probe into the attempt; CNN interveiwed Imran Khan who suggests that it is "the country's new top brass" who called for his assassination and asked him what evidence he had for the allegations (surely this is what the probe must be for?)

In Germany, a rapper has had a criminal case opened against him for openly supporting Russia in the Russia/Ukraine conflict. (QueenStreet comment: surely it should be the .gov MPs and leaders who should be prosecuted for bringing the citizens, industry and retailers of Germany to bankruptcy from which is can never return? Same goes for all of those posing as .govs in the "liberal democracies")

Are the rumours going around social media about a negotiated peace settlement for Russia and Ukraine true or not? (See previous posts on this channel - it was reported by the Wall Street Journal so this is probably how "such rumours" started. It would be great if it is true)

Via RT website 9 Nov, 2022 00:17

***** Vladimir Zelensky demanded from Americans “unwavering unity” in supporting Kiev *****

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky on Tuesday called on American politicians to remain united in their support for Kiev, as it increasingly appeared that President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party might lose their majority in Congress in the midterm elections.

“Democracies must not stop on their way to the victory,” Zelensky said in a recorded video address to Americans. “As in any democratic society, Ukrainians have different views on life and politics. But when Russia decided to destroy our freedom and wipe Ukraine off the face of the earth, we immediately got united and we keep this unity.”

“I call on you to maintain unwavering unity, as it is now, until that very day when we all hear those important words we have been dreaming of... Until we hear that peace has finally been restored,” he added, according to AFP.

Citing the conflict, Zelensky has invoked martial law, centralized all media, and banned a total of 15 opposition parties – including the main parliamentary rival – accusing them of being “pro-Russian.”

Later in the day, Zelensky met with US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, who said that Washington had provided bipartisan support to Ukraine and that Biden “is committed to work with the US Congress so that this continues.” She also announced another $25 million in USAID funding ahead of the upcoming winter.

The Biden administration has pledged more than $54 billion in aid for Kiev just this year, following Moscow’s decision to send troops into Ukraine in February. While some Republicans – such as Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene – have vowed that “not another penny will go to Ukraine” if they win, the party establishment has been more reserved, saying only that Kiev can’t expect a “blank check” from the US, given the economic crisis at home.


via RT website 8 Nov, 2022 20:08

********** Taiwan could be invaded – president ************

Tsai Ing-wen is boosting military spending but counting on Western military aid

Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen told The Atlantic on Monday that there “is a genuine threat” of a Chinese invasion. China has insisted that it will strive to reintegrate Taiwan by peaceful means, but should conflict break out, Tsai will be looking to the West for help.

In an article penned by Ben Rhodes, Barack Obama’s speechwriter and Deputy National Security Advisor, Tsai said that “we need to get ourselves ready” for a potential Chinese invasion. “It’s real that this thing could happen to us,” she continued, adding: “there is a genuine threat out there. It’s not hype.”

Taiwan has governed itself since nationalist forces led by Chiang Kai-shek fled to the island in 1949, after they lost a civil war to the Communists. Beijing’s position is that Taiwan is an integral part of China – the so-called ‘One China’ policy – and that China “will inevitably be reunified,” and a white paper released in August states that while Beijing will strive to achieve this reunification peacefully, it reserves the right to use military force.

While China’s military is orders of magnitude stronger than Taiwan’s, Tsai has boosted defense spending by 13%, and will spend $19 billion on her military in 2023. Taipei’s aim, Rhodes outlined, is to make invasion too costly for China.

“If the [People’s Liberation Army] wants to do something drastic, [Chinese President] Xi has to weigh the costs,” Tsai told the former White House official. “He has to think twice.”

However, even with its double-digit increase in defense spending, and with the US authorizing a billion-dollar arms sale to Taipei in September, Tsai would still need the West to bankroll Taiwan’s military as it currently does for Ukraine’s forces.

“The Western countries, particularly the US, are helping Ukraine. What we see from the Ukraine war is Western countries get together and help Ukraine to fight,” she said.

The US government has officially recognized, but not endorsed, China’s sovereignty over Taiwan since the 1970s, and while US President Joe Biden has promised on several occasions that the American military would help repel a Chinese invasion, White House aides have walked these statements back every time.

Shortly after Tsai spoke to Rhodes, China opened its biennial air show, demonstrating anti-drone weapons, fifth-generation fighter jets, and reportedly hypersonic anti-ship missiles. Analysts described this flexing of military muscle as a warning to the West not to interfere with the reunification with Taiwan.

via RT website 9 Nov, 2022 04:44

************ Zelensky receives Oscar ***************

American actor Sean Penn has “loaned” his prestigious movie award to the Ukrainian leader

Hollywood star Sean Penn has once again visited Kiev and exchanged gifts with Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, telling his “great friend” to hold onto his golden statuette until Ukraine defeats Russia.

“This is for you… When you win, bring it back to Malibu. I'll feel much better knowing a piece of me is here,” Penn told Zelensky, according to a video shared by the president's office on Tuesday. “It's just a symbolic silly thing, but if I know this is here with you then I'll feel better and stronger for the fight...”

A former actor-turned-politician, Zelensky returned the favor by presenting Penn with the Order of Merit honor for “significant contribution to the popularization of Ukraine in the world.” The Oscar-winning star has been very vocal in his support for Ukraine and has repeatedly called on the international community to send more aid to Kiev.

Sean Penn has maintained close ties with Zelensky since Moscow launched its military operation and is currently working on a documentary about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The 61-year-old actor initially traveled to Kiev shortly before fighting broke out in late February to film a documentary for Vice Media about Kiev’s war against the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

Back in March, the actor distinguished himself among Zelensky’s many cheerleaders by demanding his “great friend” be given a platform to speak at the Academy Awards, threatening to not only boycott the event but to melt down his own statues if he wasn’t included. Even though Zelensky did not make an appearance at the Oscars, Penn has not melted down his statues.

Sean Penn is far from the only Hollywood actor to lend their celebrity to the Ukrainian cause. British actor Benedict Cumberbatch has committed to hosting Ukrainian refugees. Ben Stiller met with the Ukrainian leader in Kiev and called Zelensky his “hero.” Actor Mark Hamill, who played Luke Skywalker in the iconic Star Wars sci-fi film series, said that he sent over 500 drones to Ukraine via the country’s United24 fundraising platform in the last month alone.

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