When Prophet Muhammad was spat on

1 year ago

️ When Prophet Muhammad was spat on

One time the prophet went to pray to the mosque suddenly in the middle of his journey the prophet was spat on this, Mr. Kades, Mr. Kades, if Mr. Kades will pray Friday in front of crowds, Mr. girl is spit out by people, what are Mr. girls doing Be patient, Mr. Ustad

the prophet was spit on whether the prophet was angry or not the prophet smiled and then wiped it the next day the prophet passed again was spat on again was the prophet angry if we were like that bench but yes


try the prophet not like that the prophet smiled until One time when the prophet passed this place it turned out that this person wasn't bankrupt whether the prophet was happy or not the prophet was standing still waiting for this person until when he wanted to enter prayer time worried the prophet missed the prophet continued his journey to the mosque after the prophet prayed with friends and the Muslims of the prophet sent one of the companions to find out where the person was. Try to find out why that person was there, O Messenger of Allah. Do you have any intentions for him? very sick, seriously ill, yes, prophet, if Mr. girl hears that the enemy or people who are hostile to Mr. Kades are in a serious condition, what do Mr. girls do, bow down and give thanks

Thank you oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god

the prophet is not like that the prophet went home and met his wife Aisyah yes Aisyah please make the most delicious food for what ya Rasulullah Do you want to enjoy good food there is a friend I am sick friend if we hear that someone is sick and it's an enemy or someone who is against us we are happy Bring Ustaz's food but mix Baygon a little after arriving there how shocked the people who were against the prophet and said when Yes Muhammad said the prophet Why is it bad, Muhammad I've always hated you saying you Even I always threatened you and I always spit in your face but you never replied to my prayers today when I was seriously ill no one as far as Makkah came to me and you were the first to come to pray for me and even brought me food what the prophet said Eat this O friend, if tomorrow you get better don't forget to spit on my face again

if there is a neighbor like that, it's okay not to be safe even if our kitten is made, this must be the cat, Mr. jennie Sulah is a human like us, so why do we need an example in life that we read earlier?

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