Allah Must Love You

1 year ago

️ Allah Must Love You

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Allah told the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam

O Messenger of Allah, convey it to the people who believe, convey it to the mothers, it's a little bit new to tell the fathers, it's a little bit like that, if you all love Allah, then follow me, said the Prophet sallallaahu 'Alaihi Wasallam. prophet of his life follow the prophet So God willing

surely love you if Allah loves you and Allah will forgive all of your sins wallahu Ghofur womb because of him Allah is the One who is most forgiving and most merciful No matter how big our mistakes are to Allah as long as we want to repent Allah will forgive me, I believe It is true what was said by Mr. Manager earlier that Mr. and Mrs. have very extraordinary activities, every day activities must never be separated from work and it is an effort to seek Allah's sustenance but remember not to let that work make us neglect Allah. make time for prayer instead of praying when you have time then When you are in trouble Allah will remember you When you remember Allah in happiness then when you are sad Allah will definitely give you a way out When you are sad with your poverty today why cry Wouldn't poverty make us closer to Allah why don't we take poverty instead of then Allah gives us wealth and then we run away from Allah not because it's just something then we lose Allah it's better for us to lose something for Allah then in this glorious assembly thank you to Ustaz Ustaz mukhlas and friends friends who have invited me tonight I believe and believe that we have the same intentions and goals, namely we both want to get ridho from Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, want to get a sense of love from Allah and create a sense of love for Allah and our love for Allah. Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, if our lives have followed the way of the Prophet's life, everything is fine, prophet if in simple things the simplest prophet is like a bankrupt life but believes that the life of Jesus is a simple life, his life is only to spread love and spread kindness, the same as life Prophet Muhammad Shallallah u Alaihi Wasallam always teaches love, always teaches compassion, peace and peace for others. Eliminate hatred, eliminate hostility. Because hatred and formulation on any basis will never produce anything except revenge but cultivate the seeds of goodness on the basis of religion on the basis of belief in others. Allah on the basis of our love for the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu Alaihi Wasallam

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