Mistake" to award 2022 World Cup to Qatar - ex FIFA president Blatter | The Nation

1 year ago

8 Aufrufe 09.11.2022
Picking Qatar to host the World Cup was a mistake,
declared ex-FIFA president Sepp Blatter in a newspaper interview on 8 Nov.Tuesday

In his first major interview since being acquitted in July of financial misconduct at FIFA
86-year-old Blatter told Swiss newspaper Tages Anzeiger that Qatar is
"too small. Football and the World Cup are too big for that."

Blatter also repeated his claim that an expected US victory swung towards Qatar following pressure from the then-UEFA president Michel Platini

"It was a bad choice. And I was responsible for that as president at the time," said Blatter

who has long said he voted for the United States
The decision to award the World Cup to Qatar has been marked by controversy from allegations of corruption to concerns over human rights and working conditions for construction workers

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